“Coles Woods (Queensbury NY) Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Forest Health Survey” Thursday February 24th Location 1
Come join the Capital Region PRISM at one of our two locations in a 5km woods walk. Learn how to survey for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and report any findings detections or non-detections. The forest health check is a spin-off of the Adirondack Forest Pest Hunters Program webinar hosted by the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program on February 16th 2022. You are encouraged to participate in both programs Bring your mobile device and help upload data into iMap Invasives mobile app. Please Register here through Zoom to reserve a space on the walk.
Date & Time: February 24th 9-12noon
Location: Road Side Parking Area: Parkview Ave Queensbury NY 12804 Past the Glens Falls YMCA Latitude and Longitude 43.32192 -73.66714.
Bring appropriate gear for the weather, ice trackers and snowshoes are strongly recommended. A head lamp will aid in identification of any potential detections. Limit of 15 participants. Social distancing practices will be in place.