This collection of talks, workshops, and seminars is growing as APIPP continues to host digital events. If there is content you hoped to find that is not present, please get in touch with us today!
August 7, 2024: Beech Leaf Disease and Forest Pest Hunter Training
July 30, 2024: Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species
June 25, 2024: Lake Protectors Virtual Training
May 29, 2024: Four Case Studies of Invasive Species That Are Headed for the Adirondacks
March 6, 2024: Adirondack Lake Ecology and How Invasive Species Disrupt Aquatic Ecosystems
February 8, 2024: Adirondack PRISM Mid-Winter Aquatic Partner Meeting
February 7, 2024: Adirondack PRISM Mid-Winter Terrestrial Partner Meeting
January 18, 2024: Adirondack Forest Ecology and a Case Study on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Great Smoky Mountains
October 26, 2023: How Deer Shape Forest Ecosystems
September 20, 2023: Invasive Species in a Changing Climate
August 2, 2023: Forest Pest Hunters: Surveying for Beech Leaf Disease
July 20, 2023: Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species
June 21, 2023: Lake Protectors Virtual Training
June 9, 2023: Photography for Nature Lovers
May 24, 2023: Backyard Invasives: Identification and Management of Terrestrial Invasive Species
March 15, 2023: Pollinators, Plants, and Pests
January 24, 2023: Adirondack Forest Pest Hunters, Surveying for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
October 19, 2022 Adirondack Invasive Species Summit
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Part 1: David Orwig, Harvard Forest; Gary Lovett, Cary Institute; beginning of Mark Whitmore, NYSHI
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Part 2: Mark Whitmore, NYSHI
Hydrilla, Part 1: Meg Modley, Lake Champlain Basin Program; Dr. Susan Wilde, Associate Professor with the University of Georgia; Bill Brosseau, PSC's Adirondack Watershed Institute; beginning of Kate Monacelli, Finger Lakes PRISM
Hydrilla, Part 2: Kate Monacelli, Finger Lakes PRISM
September 15th, 2022: Forest Pest Hunters – Surveying for Beech Leaf Disease (1 hour, 5 minutes)
July 20th, 2022: Backyard Invasives – Identification and Management of Terrestrial Invasive Species (1 hour, 27 minutes)
June 28th, 2022: Virtual Lake Protectors Training (2 hours, 17 minutes)
June 8th, 2022: Invasive Species for Lake Lovers (1 hour, 10 minutes)
May 27th, 2022: Aquatic Invasive Species in Campgrounds (10 minutes)
May 27th, 2022: Forest Pests in Campgrounds (13 minutes)
May 27th, 2022: Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Campgrounds (13 minutes)
May 11th, 2022: Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species (1 hour, 9 min)
April 6th, 2022: Native Plants for Adirondack Landscapes (1 hour 16 minutes)
February 16th, 2022: Adirondack Forest Pest Hunters – Surveying for HWA (1 hour 27 minutes)
September 30th, 2021: Backyard Invasives – ID, Control, and Management Tips to Prep Your Garden for Fall (1 hour 30 minutes)
July 21st, 2021: Trees in Trouble, Invasive Forest Pests in the Adirondacks (50 min)
June 30th, 2021: Lake Protector Training – Part 1. Aquatic Invasive Species Identification (1 hr)
June 30th, 2021: Lake Protector Training – Part 2. Citizen Science Survey Methods (1 hour 30 min)
May 25th, 2021: Best Management Practices for Roadside Invasive Species (1hr 23 min)
April 29th, 2021: Using eDNA for Invasive Species Control (1 hr)
April 14th, 2021: Green Gardening – Design with Native Plants and Avoid Invasive Species (1hr 38 min)
March 24th, 2021: Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species – Best Practices for Adirondack Anglers (1 hr)
January 26th: Planning for Emerald Ash Borer – Best Practices for Managing Adirondack Ash Woodlands (1 hr 30 min)
November 12th: Fall 2020 APIPP Partner Meeting (1 hr 28 min)
November 2nd: Invasive Animals of the Adirondacks for Middle Schoolers (22 min)
September 22nd: Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species - Best Practices for Sportsmen & Sportswomen (1 hr 30 min)
September 16th: Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species - Best Practices for Fall Hikers & Bikers (1 hr 30 min)
August 25th: Emerging Species - Invasive Jumping Worms (1 hr 35 min)
August 5th: Managing Milfoil - Hand Harvesting using SCUBA, Biological Control, Chemical Application, and Permitting (1 hr 52 min)
July 30th: Know Your Knotweed - Identification, Impacts, and Management (1 hr 29 min)
July 23rd: Aquatic Invasive Species Identification and Volunteer Training (1 hr 54 min)
July 16th: Invasive Species Control for Adirondack Transportation Professionals (44 min)
July 1st: Exploring iMapInvasives - Protecting the Adirondacks through Citizen Science (1 hr 54 min)
June 10th: Aquatic Invasive Species Identification & Survey Training Pt 3 Invasive Aquatic Animal ID (25 min)
June 9th: Terrestrial Species Identification and Survey Training (1 hr 30 min)
April 22nd: APIPP's Aquatic and Terrestrial Program Findings for 2019 (34 min)
April 3rd: Charlotte Malmborg of the NYS Hemlock Initiative and sponsored by APIPP and Adirondack Mountain Club (1 hr 14 min)