Small carpetgrass is an annual grass that sprawls across the ground as it grows. It grows up to one and a half feet in height. The leaves are bright green, often hairy along the edges, and clasp the stem. Flowers emerge in late summer and are characterized by a greenish to purple inflorescence with up to ten “fingers.”
NOTE: If you receive a "sign in" message, click cancel to continue. Confirmed observations of Small Carpetgrass submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. For more information, visit iMapInvasives
Small carpetgrass prefers well lit, moist areas and thrives in disturbed wetland and riparian areas.
Threats & Impacts:
Small carpetgrass is a quick growing perennial that can reproduce via prolific seed production as well as vegetatively via rooting at nodes. This quick growth coupled with its ability to reproduce quickly allows small carpetgrass to quickly form monocultures, excluding native plants.
Management Techniques:
Small infestations can be managed by hand pulling prior to seed set. Be sure to bag and solarize all plant material prior to disposal in a landfill. Larger infestations can be treated using a selective foliar spray of herbicide or via mowing while small carpetgrass is in flower but before seed set.