From Geographic Information Systems, to citizen science data, and socio-economic analysis, some of the tools APIPP uses to approach our work are below:
iMapInvasvies is a free, mobile mapping software that shows the location and distribution of invasive species across our area. With the ability to alert conservation professionals as soon as an emerging infestation is found, iMapInvasives helps ensure that Rapid Response is possible.
With so many different species to consider across such a large area, APIPP and partners use a shared framework to evaluating the pressures and management potential of different invasive species - the New York State Invasive Species Council’s Species Tier List and threat ranking assessment for non-native plants and animals are two such frameworks.
Invasive Plant Management Decision Analysis Tool (IPMDAT). Jointly developed between the Nature Conservancy and iMapInvasives, IPMDAT helps natural resource managers measure different factors to consider in creating effective invasive species control projects or what else is needed before getting started.